We the little people have big voices when we speak together!

Come on all of you people who are sick of being steam rolled by big business, join the fight... Let your voices be heard! Let's scream at the top of our lungs, "This shall not stand!"

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Unbelievable Truth...

It appears that I am going to have to drug myself up and attempt to go back to work.  I have no other choice.  I can't get insurance or treatment.  The interesting thing is I actually picked up and dropped my pen six times in a row yesterday while trying to write something.  I think that may have an impact on my job performance, well that and the fact that after 15 minutes of anything repetitious it feels like someone shot me with a sawed off shotgun.
But, I'm confident that some understanding prospective employer will hire me, completely useless or not because of my winning personality. (voice dripping with sarcasm).
This is disgusting... I am completely demoralized.

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